Auto Repair
Business Tips & Tricks

3 Crucial Devices for Every Auto Repair Shop

Did you know there are almost as many cars on Australian roads – 20 million – as there are human beings in our great country?  Yes, that’s a lot of cars – but it’s also a lot of auto repair shops!  If you’re a part of the $37 billion Australian automotive industry, you’re definitely not alone: between repairs and servicing, retailing, parts, tools and equipment, more than 356,000 Australians focus each and every day on cars.

And all of those people can’t manage to get by with their greasy hands alone.  Surveys have shown that of the 100,000 mechanics in Australia, the vast majority answer “yes” when asked if they aspire to start their own business at some point.  The ones that succeed will manage to prioritise the key devices or instruments that will make their business easier to run, more efficient, and more profitable.

Those early investments are the most important for any start-up, so here are the devices that every auto repair shop must put at the very top of the to-buy list:

1. Air compressor

A super-efficient auto repair shop will boast a true menu of tools – many of them powered pneumatically.  We’re talking about drills, grinders, nail guns, paint sprayers, sanders, screw guns, wrenches – and the list goes on.  To power them efficiently and reliably, you’ll need a good air compressor with a healthy capacity.

2. Battery testers

Every single day, mechanics turn the ignition key and nothing happens – and it’s then their job to figure out what’s wrong.  The logical first place to look is the battery itself, which supplies the power to crank over the engine.  Once upon a time, a battery tester simply measured how much energy a battery was storing, but more sophisticated versions today isolate weak cells, diagnose faulty intercell connectors, and can even test a fully discharged or ‘dead’ battery.  Digital battery testers can also be calibrated to work with various battery types, making it an indispensible investment for every auto repair business.

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3. Diagnostic equipment

These days, mechanics look back on the “good old times” when a seasoned professional could lift the bonnet, do a bit of looking, fiddling and swearing, and figure out pretty quickly what’s gone wrong.  Today, every modern car is just as much an electronic device powered by computer chips as a mechanical one lubricated with oil – so a variety of electronic diagnostic equipment is a must.  Often, it’s simply a matter of plugging it in, getting the data and comparing it with manufacturer specifications, so it really is a must-have.

Spend a little to make a lot!

So whether you’re looking to get into the auto repair industry, you’re looking for ways to make your existing business more efficient and profitable in our fast-moving modern world, or you’re on the hunt for a great investment suggestion to impress the boss, knowing where to start with all the right devices and instruments is crucial.  From the most basic repairs to major jobs requiring fast diagnosis and slick operations, the best-performing auto shops are always the ones that know where to spend a little money in order to make a whole lot more.

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