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What Is Blogging?

What is Blogger and how to make a blog? If you’re not familiar with it, Blogger is an online blogging website that lets you create and host your own blog for free. It’s very similar to WordPress but doesn’t have the same professional look and feel. In fact, many people use Blogger as a platform for their websites because of this “look and feel”.

If you decide to go with Blogger as your blogging platform, you need to decide what type of site you want to create. You can host your site on their free webhosting account or you can go with a paid site. Although the free plan is definitely cheaper, it does come with a lot less features and functionality than a paid site. There are pros and cons to both, so you really need to evaluate your needs and your budget before deciding which one you want to go with.

The first thing you need to decide is whether or not you want to have a personal blog or a business blog hosted with Blogger. Personal blogs are great because they’re more of “self-posts”, which Blogger calls “dofollow”. This means that any post made on your blog will automatically be displayed to the public in the feeds of all your readers. The downside to having a personal blog is that if you have any advertisers on your blog they will see your ads on your personal blog, which may hurt your revenue stream. Business blogging, however, is a good choice for advertisers because they’ll pay you even if nobody clicks on their ads on your personal blog.

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what is blogger

Once you’ve decided what type of site you want to have created, it’s time to start hosting it. If you’re going with Blogger as your blogging platform then you’re going to need to get a free hosting account from them. To find a hosting company that offers free hosting you can either do a Google search or ask your favorite webmaster to recommend one to you. The best part about free hosting is that it comes with a lot of the popular features that you might be used to. Some of these features include:

site map

A site map is a handy feature that helps you navigate through your site easily. With a site map you can tell the location of each page, the columns that are located on each page and how many columns are in the main body of text on each page. This is extremely useful when creating blogs as you will be able to tell at a glance where something is located. Also, some blogging software will automatically add site map features to every post it generates for you.

how to sign up

When you sign up for a  blogging service like Blogger, you’ll need to choose a username. Your username will be visible to anybody who visits your site and you can change it anytime you like. Some of the more popular blogging platforms offer a “boards” tab where you can choose your username and make a username change whenever you’d like. Once you’ve chosen a good username, you can begin creating your first blog.

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When you start creating a blog the first thing that you want to do is to create a content-based blog. You can choose from a variety of formats such as HTML, RSS, or plain text. There are also blogging platforms that support the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) language which means that it is easy to learn and implement basic blogging functionalities. If you’re interested in blogging then you’ll need to know what keywords are and how to use them within your blog so that search engines will be able to pull up your site map.

Once you have your blog up and running you should focus on adding content to your site map. Creating original content will keep you from being bored with your blogging activities as you will always have something interesting to read. Writing and posting original content, allows you to build trust and rapport with your readers so that they will eventually become regular readers. One of the most important aspects of blogging is the ability to drive traffic to your website so that once you have created a large following you can generate income through affiliate sales and/or selling your own products.

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