Low code app development
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What is Low code app development? and examples

So what is low code app development and what are its various examples? According to Wikipedia, “the code is the specific, machine-language, specifying the precise output of a procedure or system at a specified point of execution.” Basically, it’s a fancy way to say that computer code is instructions and/or data expressed in a certain way. For instance, in Java, you’d typically have a call-statement, a while loop, a switch statement, a return statement etc. In C++ there are many more types of things that can be used and in turn each one of them has a group of predefined functions (like cout, couture, etc.)

Low code app development :

It’s an application which has minimal requirements. The primary difference between “low code” and “low code app development” is that in low code app development the application is designed to run on lower-end computers where speed is a major consideration, whereas in low code design the application is aimed at efficiency. So for instance, in an email program, you don’t want your application to run slowly because you need to send emails as fast as possible.

Low-end computers usually have operating systems that can run more than 1.5 times faster than the majority of today’s personal computers (including laptops). As a result, these kind of applications would run slow even on high-end machines. So these low-end devices would be a perfect candidate for low-code apps. Examples of such applications include games, presentations, image editing, spreadsheets, and a lot more.

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Examples of Low code app development :

what are its various examples?

Firefox, Safari and Opera :

The most common example of low code app development is web browser like Firefox, Safari and Opera. These browsers use minimal features and they are fast because of their engines.

Internet Explorer :

Another popular example is Internet Explorer, which is also known as the Internet Explorer by Microsoft. It has less features than the Firefox browser but it is faster and is free of bugs.


The other example is YUI, which is a low code app development framework for the Android platform. It can be used with Java applications. A Java application is the most popular option nowadays. But it requires a great deal of programming knowledge and expertise.  Because it has special requirements and it is difficult to write applications using it. In addition, these applications require a large amount of storage space because they require decompression of large images and pictures. For this reason, there is a great need to decompress images and pictures before transferring them.

This kind of app development also uses native codes. It has a very simple interface and it can be customized by the developer according to his needs. As a result, the developers usually do not have to learn too many new things and they can concentrate more on the development of their products or services because the basic functionalities of a low code app development like the splash screen, the user interface, etc.

Reasons why the market for low code app development is increasing :

There are many reasons why the market for low code app development is increasing. One of them is that there are a growing need for low-cost solutions and a low cost means it is available in a smaller volume. Another reason is that users prefer to have these kinds of apps because these apps offer them the convenience and ease of use and they are able to access these apps from a mobile device without facing any kind of problems.

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Some examples of low code app development include games. These apps are widely used because they are developed using very low-level programming languages and they offer great graphic capabilities. They are mostly designed in Flash and Java. Another example includes news reader applications. A news reader app is one that is designed to offer the users the ability to get the most current information on the topics that interest them from different parts of the world.

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